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- Wheelchair Ramps & Home Mods | FCI
Providing eligible Fairfield County residents with mobility disabilities an opportunity to regain the full use of their homes and property. RAMPS & ACCESSIBILITY Building independence, one ramp at a time. 1.257 ABGESCHLOSSENE PROJEKTE SEIT DEM JAHR 2000 Das SMART Team konstruiert jede Rampe so, dass sie sicher und abnehmbar ist. Das beinhaltet: Der Bau wird von einer großen Gruppe sachkundiger und erfahrener Freiwilliger durchgeführt, die als SMART-Team bezeichnet werden. FCdCP zahlt für die Materialien und verwendet Mittel aus dem CDBG Grant und River Valley Rods and Customs-Fund Raiser Rods for Ramps. Veranda-zu-Boden- und Indoor-Rampen Schwellenrampen & Türübergänge Switchback Ramps (für Orte mit begrenztem Platz) Halbe Schritte Unser Rollstuhlrampen- und Hausumbauprogramm bietet berechtigten Einwohnern von Fairfield County mit Mobilitätseinschränkungen die Möglichkeit, ihre Häuser und ihr Eigentum wieder voll zu nutzen. Dieser Service ist für berechtigte Personen kostenlos. Ramp Volunteer Opportunity Möglichkeiten für Freiwillige Freiwilligenarbeit beim Bau von Rampen ist eine unterhaltsame und einfache Möglichkeit, in Ihrer Gemeinde einen bedeutenden Unterschied zu machen. Was machen Ramp Team Volunteers? Die Freiwilligen unseres Rampenteams helfen beim Bau von Rampen für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Fairfield County. Freiwillige treffen sich in dem Haus, in dem die Rampe installiert wird, um zu helfen, Holzbretter zu messen, zu graben, zu schneiden, zu tragen, zu schrauben und zu nageln, um eine Rampe zu bauen. Die Bauarbeiten dauern normalerweise nur wenige Stunden und sind am frühen Nachmittag abgeschlossen. Freiwilligenarbeit ist eine unterhaltsame Erfahrung, eine großartige Möglichkeit, sich im Freien zu bewegen und aktiv zu werden, und bietet eine fantastische Gelegenheit, Bedürftigen auf sinnvolle, persönliche Weise zu helfen. Was braucht es, um ein Freiwilliger zu sein? Unsere Ramp Volunteers sind zuverlässig, fürsorglich und lieben es, anderen zu helfen. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse oder Vorräte erforderlich, nur die Bereitschaft, selbst Hand anzulegen. Freiwillige müssen für ihren eigenen Transport zu und von den Baustellen sorgen , die sich immer in Fairfield County befinden. Freiwillige müssen keine langfristigen Verpflichtungen eingehen. Sie können bei einem oder mehreren Builds mitmachen – es liegt an Ihnen! Um mehr zu erfahren oder sich freiwillig zu engagieren Um mehr über das Programm zu erfahren oder sich freiwillig zu engagieren, rufen Sie bitte 740-653-5501 an. Sie können jetzt online für das Rampenprogramm spenden! Spenden fließen direkt in die Kosten der Baumaterialien und sind immer willkommen! Lern mehr Die Freiwilligen unseres Rampenteams helfen beim Bau von Rampen für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Fairfield County. Freiwillige treffen sich in dem Haus, in dem die Rampe installiert wird, um zu helfen, Holzbretter zu messen, zu graben, zu schneiden, zu tragen, zu schrauben und zu nageln, um eine Rampe zu bauen. Die Bauarbeiten dauern normalerweise nur wenige Stunden und sind am frühen Nachmittag abgeschlossen. Freiwilligenarbeit ist eine unterhaltsame Erfahrung, eine großartige Möglichkeit, sich im Freien zu bewegen und aktiv zu werden, und bietet eine fantastische Gelegenheit, Bedürftigen auf sinnvolle, persönliche Weise zu helfen.
- Fairfield Center for Independence
FCI provides an array of services to support people work toward and maintain independence: Medical Appointment Transportation, Medical Equipment Library, Adult Day Services, and Ramp Contruction. Button WE ENVISION A WORLD WE ENVISION A WORLD WE ENVISION A WORLD WHERE EVERY PERSON RECEIVES THE OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE AN INDEPENDENT, FULFILLED LIFE WITHIN AN INCLUSIVE, ACCESSIBLE COMMUNITY. Home: Welcome We are committed to supporting people of all abilities in Fairfield County as they work towards leading fulfilled and thriving lives. Welcome to Fairfield Center for Independence! ABOUT US OUR SERVICES No Ride? No Problem! We offer free, round-trip transportation to medical appointments for qualified Fairfield County residents. From routine check-ups to specialized treatments, we make sure that you arrive at your appointments stress-free and on-time. Have an appointment that’s miles away? FCI transports all over Ohio and surrounding states. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you have access to the care you need, regardless of the location or distance. LEARN MORE > Transportation Adult Day Program Empowering Adults to Thrive Our Adult Day Program is designed to help individuals gain confidence, develop new skills, and connect with their community. Our program is centered on personal empowerment and offers a range of activities that encourage participants to explore their interests and pursue their goals. Join us and discover a world of possibilities! LEARN MORE> Building Independence, One Ramp at a Time We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live independently and enjoy their homes and property to the fullest. Our Ramp & Accessibility Program provides free home modifications to eligible Fairfield County residents with mobility disabilities, including wheelchair ramps, half-steps and handrails. We take great pride in our commitment to quality workmanship and safety, and we're excited to help make your home accessible for you. LEARN MORE> Ramps & Accessibility Medical Equipment Library Why Buy When You Can Borrow? The Medical Equipment Lending Closet is dedicated to providing the public with access to durable medical equipment at no charge. Whether you need a wheelchair, walker, or other equipment, if we have it in stock, you're welcome to have it for as long as you may need. With no income requirements or prescription needed, we make it easy for you to get the equipment you need to maintain your independence and quality of life. Contact us today to learn more. LEARN MORE>
- PACE Unit | FCI
WHAT is the PACE Unit? PACE (Progress toward Accessible Community Experiences) is a mobile unit providing a safe, accessible space for personal care at events and public spaces. With features like an adjustable changing table, ceiling hoist, and climate control, PACE ensures comfort and dignity for individuals with diverse needs. It's more than a changing unit—it's about making communities inclusive for all. Ceiling Hoist Adjustable Changing Table Climate Control WHO can use the PACE Unit? PACE was made for everyone: People with disabilities, older adults, families with young children, and anyone requiring a private, accessible space for personal care needs, rest, or quiet. WHERE can the PACE Unit be used? PACE is 100% mobile. It can be used at parks, fairs, concerts, sporting events, and other public spaces where permanent accessible restrooms may not be available. WHEN is the PACE Unit available? The PACE unit is available for community events, festivals, outdoor gatherings, and more—anytime accessible facilities are needed. We are currently available for one-day events, and will be available for multi-day events in 2025. WHY is the PACE Unit important? The PACE Unit promotes inclusion by ensuring individuals with disabilities and their families can fully participate in public events without worrying about accessible care facilities. FAQ Discover the answers to Frequently Asked Questions about PACE. Button Reserve for Your Event Wherever your event may be, PACE can make it accessible! Button Virtual Tour This feature coming soon! Take a peek inside the PACE Unit. UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday, December 7th, 2024 Winter Fest 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm 104 N. Broad St. Lancaster, OH 43130 A safe, accessible space for personal care at events and public spaces.
- Other Links | FCI
Andere Verbindungen NÜTZLICHE LINKS Lesen Sie bitte: Das Fairfield Center for DisABILITIES & Cerebral Palsy (FCdCP) ist in keiner Weise mit den folgenden Websites, Unternehmen oder gemeinnützigen Organisationen verbunden. Wir bieten die folgenden Links nur als verfügbare Ressourcen an und garantieren nicht deren Ethik oder die Genauigkeit der von ihnen bereitgestellten Informationen. Wir empfehlen dringend, niemals Ihre privaten Informationen online zu teilen, es sei denn, Sie haben Nachforschungen über eine Organisation angestellt und diese für legitim befunden. Wenn Sie Bedenken bezüglich einer der unten aufgeführten Ressourcen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns . Ressourcen für Behinderungen Budgetfreundliche Smart-Home-Unterkünfte für Senioren und Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen Hypotheken- und Refinanzierungsleitfaden für Menschen mit Behinderungen Hausumbau und Umbauten für Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen Nationale Finanzierungsquellen für Barrierefreiheit zu Hause Lebensverändernde Begleiter: Wie man sich einen Begleithund leisten kann Finanzielle Unterstützung für Rollstuhlfahrer Kauf eines behindertengerechten Vans mit Unterstützung, Zuschüssen und Subventionen So gründen Sie eine Stiftung für besondere Bedürfnisse, um für die Zukunft Ihres Kindes zu sparen Lokale Ressourcen für psychische Gesundheit für Veteranen Karriereleitfaden für Menschen mit Behinderungen Senioren-Wellness-Ressourcen 26 Häufig gestellte Fragen zur Langzeitpflege – Ein umfassender Leitfaden zur finanziellen Unterstützung Seniorenbetreuung und Lebenshaltungskosten Wie viel kostet ein Seniorenheim? Einzug in ein neues Zuhause: Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für Senioren Design-Checkliste für das Altern an Ort und Stelle: So entwerfen Sie sichere und barrierefreie Häuser Fernpflege: So sorgen Sie dafür, dass Ihre Lieben zu Hause sicher sind Zeichen, dass ein Senior zu Hause Hilfe braucht Liste der häufigsten Diagnosen älterer Menschen Things to Do Newspaper Crossword Puzzles
- Contact | Fairfield Center for Disabilities | United States
CONTACT US Main Phone: 740-653-5501 Transport Line: 740-653-1186 VISIT US Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:00 681 East 6th Ave. Lancaster, OH 43130 TELL US Ich möchte mehr Informationen über... SENDEN Vielen Dank! Wir werden in Verbindung bleiben. Hinweis zur Bürgerrechtsrichtlinie von FCdCP an die Öffentlichkeit
- Employment Application | FCI
EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Applicant Information First Name Last Name Street Address Apartment / Unit # City State Zip Phone Email Date Available Social Security Number Desired Position Are you a citizen of the United States? YES NO Have you ever worked for this company? YES NO Have you ever been convicted of a felony? YES NO Desired Salary If not, are you authorized to work in the U.S.? YES NO If yes, when? If yes, please explain Employee will notify FCI, Inc. within 14 days if charged with any offense during employment. Education High School From To Did you graduate? YES NO College Degree From To Did you graduate? YES NO Degree Other References Please provide at least 3 professional references. Full Name Phone Relationship Company Address Full Name Phone Relationship Company Address Full Name Phone Relationship Company Address References Previous Employment Company Phone Supervisor Address Job Title Starting Salary Ending Salary Responsibilities Starting Date Ending Date Reason for Leaving May we contact your previous employer for a reference? YES NO Company Phone Supervisor Address Job Title Starting Salary Ending Salary Responsibilities Starting Date Ending Date Reason for Leaving May we contact your previous employer for a reference? YES NO Company Phone Supervisor Address Job Title Starting Salary Ending Salary Responsibilities Starting Date Ending Date Reason for Leaving May we contact your previous employer for a reference? YES NO References Military Service Have you ever served in the U.S. Armed Forces? YES NO If you answered "No" please move on to last section. Branch Starting Date Ending Date Rank at Discharge Type of Discharge If other than Honorable, please explain Resume Please upload your resume here. Military Service Upload File Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Acknowledgement I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release. I Agree Your Signature Clear SUBMIT Thank you for your interest. We will be in touch!
- Donate | FCI
Spenden Make a Donation Your support makes our community more inclusive and accessible. Thank you for making a difference! Häufigkeit Einmalig Einmalig Monatlich Monatlich Jährlich Jährlich Betrag $10.00 $10.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 Sonstige Sonstige 0/100 Kommentar (optional) Spenden
- Adult Day Program | FCI
ADULT DAY PROGRAM Supporting people as they become more empowered to pursue independence and a fulfilled, thriving life. ADS-Aktivitäten: An Adult Day Services (ADS) Program, is a place that provides "recreational and educational programming to support an individual's health and independence goals". Generally, it is a place you can go to be with friends, work toward your designated outcomes, and enjoy an array of activities. FCI is a community environment ADS where safety, self-advocacy, and respect are priorities. We want to empower you to seek and work toward your own unique version of independence, whatever that may mean to you. When you're here, our hope is that you feel understood, included, and supported on your journey. With an emphasis on community inclusion, our ADS activities are designed to help you develop your interests, build new skills, and explore opportunities to become more active in your local community. We are here to support you every step of the way, offering guidance, encouragement, and resources to help you reach your goals. SCHEDULE A TOUR OUR ACTIVITIES Time, Money & HomeManagement Employment & Volunteering Personal Hygeine Mental & Physical Health Nutrition & Meal Preparation Building healthy relationships Life Skills Courses At FCI, you will participate in planning your day-to-day based on your designated outcome and what interests you. Our program is focused on supporting your physical, emotional and mental well-being through a range of engaging activities, which include, but are not limited to: Self-Awareness Interpersonal Skills Thinking Skills Personal Development Coaching Museums & Art Galleries Factory & BusinessTours Parks & Walking Trails Stores & shopping centers Sporting events Restaurants & Coffee Houses Zoos & Farms Bowling Swimming Group & One-on-One Outings Interest Exploration Gardening Yoga Sewing Music Therapy Journaling Book Club Bible Study Art Podcasting & Radio WHY WE'RE DIFFERENT While most adult day programs may focus on just filling the day to keep your hands and mind busy, at FCI you design your day based on what interests you. Do you have an activity you've always wanted to try? Let us know, and we'll do our best to support you in making it happen. Is there somewhere specific you'd like to go? We will do our best to include it in the calendar. Your desires and goals matter, and we're here to help provide the opportunities for you to pursue them! LET'S KEEP IN TOUCH!
- About Us | Fairfield Center for Disabilities | United States
ABOUT US Supporting people as they strive for independent, fulfilled lives. Dignity Committed to treating people with respect and kindness, while honoring their inherent worth as an individual. Dignity Inclusion Committed to fostering and strengthening relationships to create a vibrant and more inclusive community. Inclusion OUR VALUES Empowerment Committed to the belief that every individual deserves to feel confident in their own abilities and to steer their lives in the direction they choose. Empowerment Accessibility Committed to providing accessibility solutions for homes and healthcare transport, as well as advocating for more accessible and inclusive public spaces for all. Accessibility Reliability Committed to providing consistent, dependable, and empathetic support with the highest level of care and compassion. Reliability MARIA MOWDER BOARD PRESIDENT EDWIN R. PAYNE, MD FORMER CEO OUR HISTORY For nearly 70 years, Fairfield Center for Independence has remained at the forefront of empowering people within our community. In 1954, United Cerebral Palsy was officially incorporated, thus providing the foundation on which the Organization would be built. A separate but similar Company, The Fairfield Council for the Disabled, was established as a non-profit Adult Day Center in 1981, and the two Organizations operated alongside and with each other until 1993, when they merged to create Fairfield Center for disABILITIES & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. (FCdCP). With an ever-increasing need for services in Fairfield County, FCdCP experienced steady growth. Over the next several years, three more Programs were added: Medical Appointment Transportation, Ramp and Home Modifications, and the Equipment Loan Closet. These with the original Adult Day Program enabled FCdCP to better meet a wider range of individual needs. In 2023, FCdCP changed its name to Fairfield Center for Independence (FCI), to better reflect its purpose of supporting people as they strive to live independent, fulfilled lives. The Organization continues to operate its Programs and Services with the goal of fostering individual growth, empowerment, and well-being. MEET OUR TEAM Unique people from all walks of life, working together to make a difference in Fairfield County. ADMINISTRATION & ADULT DAY STAFF TRANSPORTATION STAFF EMOTIONAL SUPPORT TEAM BILLIE, ESA Hi, I'm Billie! I volunteer at FCI as an Emotional Support Animal, and assist regularly in the Adult Day Program. When I was a baby, I had an eye infection and had to have both eyes removed. With lots of love and support from my mommy Cassidy, I've developed my other senses and am able to navigate my surroundings using smell and sound. My favorite part of my job is helping people feel better when they're sad or scared, and providing entertainment by chasing my toys. When I'm not at The Center, I enjoy playing with my kitty siblings at home, sitting outside, and taking hikes with my mommy. I'm also fond of pulling shoes out of closets and attacking toes. HANZO, ESA What's up, I'm Hanzo! I am an ESA and the Offical Good Boy of the Center for Independence. I was adopted in 2023 by my dad, Josh. On a regular basis, he takes me to work with him to visit. My job is very important: making people smile and laugh, and getting lots of pats on the head! It's a tough gig, but someone's gotta do it. In my time off, I love to take my dad for walks and help redecorate by chewing accent pillows. BOARD OF DIRECTORS VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES SERVICES
- Fall Raffle | FCI
Sorry, ticket sales are now closed. Winners announced via Facebook LIVE on Nov. 15 at 4 pm Go to Facebook Live
- AmazonSmile | FCI
Amazonas-Lächeln Sie shoppen. Amazon gibt. Kaufen Sie mit einem Lächeln ein Amazon spendet 0,5 % des Preises Ihrer qualifizierten AmazonSmile-Käufe an die gemeinnützige Organisation Ihrer Wahl. AmazonSmile ist dasselbe Amazon, das Sie kennen. Gleiche Produkte, gleiche Preise, gleicher Service. Unterstützen Sie FCdCP, indem Sie Ihren Einkauf auf smile.amazon.com beginnen
- Medical Equipment Loan Closet | Fairfield County | United States
Leihschrank für medizinische Geräte MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LENDING LIBRARY Das Medical Loan Closet steht allen bedürftigen Einwohnern von Fairfield County kostenlos zur Verfügung. Die einzige Voraussetzung für den Erhalt dieser Artikel ist die Unterzeichnung eines Freigabeformulars für medizinische Geräte. The stress-free way to get the equipment you need. No Cost No Prescription Necessary No Income or Age Requirements No Return-by Date AVAILABLE ITEMS Walkers Rollators Wheelchairs Transport Chairs Crutches Canes Bedside Commodes Raised Toilet Seats Shower Chairs Shower Transfer Benches Tub Assists Bed Rails Knee Scooters Adult Pull-Ups Adult Diapers Underpads / Chucks Transfer Boards Hoyer Lifts Die Verfügbarkeit aller Artikel ist begrenzt. *** Alle Geräte werden „wie besehen“ bereitgestellt, und das Fairfield Center for DisABILITIES gibt keinerlei Zusicherungen, ausdrücklich oder stillschweigend, in irgendeiner Weise in Bezug auf Geräte, ohne Einschränkung, in Bezug auf die Eignung von Geräten, um einen bestimmten Zweck zu erfüllen oder auszuführen Verwendungszweck. Wir geben keine medizinischen Ratschläge und stellen keine medizinischen Diagnosen, alle Geräte werden auf eigene Gefahr verwendet. Please call for Availability 740-653-5501 OTHER EQUIPMENT RESOURCES St. Vincent de Paul Secondhand-Laden (740) 653-6037 424 Locust Street, Lancaster, OH 43130 Website besuchen > Essen auf Rädern in Fairfield County Für Personen ab 60 Jahren (740) 681-5050 1515 Cedar Hill Road, Lancaster, OH 43130 Website besuchen > For persons age 60+ Peace United Methodist Church (614) 837-3732 235 Diley Rd, Pickerington, OH 43147 Visit Site > Medical Equipment Loan Facility (740) 605-6268 Ecke Main Street und Church Street Thornville, Ohio 43076